Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Snake and the Lawyer

Honor sets down her backpack, soda, and the rest of her supplies onto the sandy ground.  She surveys the hole she's come across.  It appears to be large enough for her to hide in for the night... but what could have made such a large hole?
  She begins to investigate the opening in the desert ground, but recoils as she hears a HISSSSS escape from the hole.
  Snake! she thinks in shock.  She catches a glimpse of a something large and scaly inside the hole - much larger than any old garden snake...  Make that a muttated snake, she amends.
  Remembering her training from the Capitol, she desperately tries to pull together a snake snare using her coil of wire.  After fifteen minutes of frustrating metal-bending, she finally makes an acceptable trap for the serpent.  She carefully sets it in front of the hole and, ever so quietly, she backs away.
  She whistles, and sits back, holding her breath with apprehension.
  Sure enough, the snake muttation hisses again and begins to slither out of the hole.  It's huge, but Honor doesn't move, hoping that it has bad eyesight and won't see her hiding in plain sight.
  Please, Mrs. DeCarlo, she prays, squeezing her eyes shut, help me!
  The snake investigates the flimsy-looking snare, and then snaps it in two with a slice from its razor-sharp fangs.  Honor loses all hope right then - but suddenly, there's a cheesy-sounding roll of thunder and a convenient bolt of lightning flies out of the cloudless sky and fries the snake.
  "Thank you, Mrs. DeCarlo!" Honor shouts up into the sky, and begins carefully cutting apart the snake for her dinner.


  The merciful Head Gamemaker Mrs. DeCarlo smiles from her office. "That was easy."
  "Ma'am, Staples is going to sue you for using that phrase," says an assistant.
  "Call up  my lawyer and sue them for suing me."
  "Yes, ma'am."

Where did Everyone ELSE go?

*Maggie takes a break in the savanna, climbing a tree and resting in the shade.
*Andrew, Camden and Bradley meet up in the desert, and as a trio walk until sunset in the marsh.
*Zach walks for a long time. He finally comes to a watering hole in the savanna and sits down for a while.
*Grace runs until she reaches the marsh, where she carefully navigates the path until she makes it to the forest.
*Macy and Wyatt walk for a while in circles around the desert until it occurs to them that the arena is round.
*Emily and Casey tread through the desert and make camp on the border of the savanna.
*Meredith reluctantly joins Noah as they walk for a while until they get to the marsh, where they climb separate mangrove trees and wonder why they teamed up in the first place.
*Kiera walks for a while and hides in a covet of rocks for the night.
*Sarah runs until she finds a decent tree. She doesn't even realize that it's right next to Maggie, who stares at her the entire night wondering if she is blind or something.
*Matt walks through the desert, then the savanna, then the marsh, then into the forest. Basically he walks all night.
*Tom makes it to the savanna, where he finds a water hole, but discovers that it's being guarded by giant elephants, so he maintains a low profile in a bunch of tall grass.
*Honor goes to the edge of the desert.
*Jonathan reaches the savanna but he feels very isolated.  Poor Jonathan.
*Rodrigo sits down in the desert and has himself a nice meal of cheese squares and a few unfortunate grains of sand.
*The Career Pack (consisting of Jacob, Ethan, Nathan, and Nate) runs to the desert, as well, surprised by the sudden caving in of the Cornucopia island and frustrated by the loss of supplies.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Updates and comments

Hey, guys. Some of you have been having some concerns about how George could be killed by Emily.
Well, we've found a way!

George is just running at the nearest person, excitedly getting ready to kill since he's the favorite to win.
Unfortunately, just before he stabs her, he realises just who he's about to stab.
He gets confused and tries to stop, maybe turn around. HOWEVER! Emily doesn't see who she's killing when she murders George because she's just seen Abbie keel over. (btw, that's where the broken gun comes from, rodrigo steals it from abbie's dead body. not that it does much.) Anyways, now you see that it IS possible for Emily to kill George. Sorry George!


Monday, January 24, 2011

The AfterBath

Ethan admired the pile while Nathan and Jacob walked around the island to make sure that no one was alive. Nate was assigned to throw the dead bodies of Luci, Weston, George, Parker and Jonathan L. out into the lake for the hovercraft to pick up. He seemed a little green afterward.
   "Don't worry, dude, you'll get used to it. I already have," Nathan said.
   "But they were our friends..." muttered Nate.
   "Were is the key word," Jacob reminded him.
   Nate quietly muttered something that no one could make out.
   "@#$%!!!!!! DUCK!!!" shouted Ethan, chucking a spear over their heads. It skewers John F., who had been sneaking around the island in hope of getting something from the pile, right through the stomach. He falls over and begins to writhe in pain. The pack walks over and circles him. Ethtan, soon joined by Nathan and Jacob, begins to laugh grotesquely.
   "You Monsters!" shouts Nate, who quickly puts an end to John F.'s misery by snapping his neck. The cannon sounds and John F. stops moving.
   "We were just having some fun," snaps Nathan.
   "You were watching someone DIE. Painfully, at that," he retorts.
   "Whatever. Unless you want to throw the body-" Ethan points at the bloody mass- "into the lake, we'd better get a move-" he suddenly stops.
  And the island begins to quake.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Here Comes Macy

The plate rises quicker than he expects. about five feet to his front is a grassy circular island, adorned by the Cornucopia in the very middle. Behind him lies a dry, sandy desert. Surveying the island, he notices a stash of weapons, supplies, and a large black backpack probably filled to the brim with everything you could ever need in the arena. The gong sounds and he jumps into the water, dog paddling for his life. He jumps up on the island and bursts to the center, He surveys the treasure and notices that the backpack he wanted is missing. Oh well. He chooses a few weapons and tests them out on Jonathan L, the unfortunate fellow standing a little bit too close to his hoard. How fun, he thinks, and grabs a different backpack as he sprints to the water, stuffing it with whatever he brought with him from the Cornucopia. Only after he's in the water does he notice that the pack is attached to a person.
  "Please don't kill me," whimpers Wyatt.
 "FINE. You get to be my pack animal and carry everything-- except this knife; I need SOMETHING to defend myself with." Macy drags him up onto the sandy shore and they walk off into the desert.

What to Do

  Zach stands on the metal plate for a minute, unsure whether he wants to swim to the bloody island or the arid desert. A yellow backpack, knocked into the water during the fighting, floats over to his spot. He picks it up. It's kinda heavy. Must have some supplies inside...? He puts it on and swims out to the desert, running in a straight line away from the center of activity.

A Vow of Revenge (note: these stories were written in September)

Emily makes a leap for the island directly off of her plate. She barely makes the five-foot jump and avoids knives and arrows whizzing past her head as she scurries about the island, searching for Abbie and Casey somewhere in the bloody mess. Looking up, she sees the former notching an arrow and aiming it at a person hidden behind the violence. An instant later, Abbie has released the arrow and is frantically shaking her head and waving her arms as if to say, "No!" Emily shrieks as the knife lodges itself in her friend's throat, killing her and causing her body to topple. She starts toward her now-dead friend, sticking a knife in George's stomach as he intersects her path.
 "Emily! There you are! C'mon, we have to go!" Casey has found her and is pulling her away from her beloved dead friend.
 "BUT Abbie!" yells Emily.
 "We can't do anything. She's dead. Let's get out of here before the same thing happens to one of us." Emily gets one last glimpse at Abbie's body and sees the killer standing about sixty yards away, standing over Luci's dead body, holding another knife, ready to attack anyone else who threatened her friend. Emily makes a silent vow of revenge as she jumps into the water, swimming away from the horrid island.

The Perfect Sword

 Honor sized up the scene: the Cornucopia stood on a small grassy island in the middle of a perfectly circular lake.  The supplies sat in clumps surrounding the golden horn.  The metal plates which the tributes stood upon circled the island, about five feet out into the water.  It would be a long jump, so she decided she would swim.  When the gong sounded, she splashed out into the water, swam to shore, and hopped up on to the island's grassy carpet.
  Sixty yards away, she saw it.  Shining in the sun, a sword - perfectly sized for her - was lying next to a box of soda pop.  She sprinted forward, but someone else had already snatched the gleaming blade up.
  "NO!" shrieked Honor.  She grabbed a blue backpack and the soda pop before chasing after the thief - Grace. The tall girl, holding a bloody, limp Luci at her side was aiming a knife at someone- now was her chance to get that sword. Honor hastily searched the ground for something to kill her with- and nothing! Not a single weapon was around. The young district 11 tribute ran towards Grace, who had just murdered Abbie. 
 But she was too late.
 Grace was already out in the desert, leaving Honor standing on the Cornucopia island with lust for only one thing - that perfect sword.

Escaping The Cornucopia

The gong sounded, and Grace dove into the water, jumped up onto the island and ran around looking for the good supplies. She grabbed a nice spear, a bow and sheath, and a few backpacks; then she proceeded to look for Luci. She shouted her name and saw her friend just getting onto the island.
 "I'm not very good at swimming..." muttered the wet girl.
 "Too bad! Come on!" Grace grabbed her arm and lunged for a knife a few feet away. "Here, take this!" she whirled around to find Luci's body limp, blood running out of a hole in her back. 
 She looked around. There, sure enough, Abbie was standing with a pistol in her hand, still aimed at the pair. She dropped it in shock.
 "Oh crap," said Abbie, "I only saw the back of her head and thought she was Camden. Sorry-" but it was too late. Grace chucked the knife and stuck Abbie's thoat, her body falling to the ground. "Don't worry, Luci- I'll win for you." And, with that, ran to the edge of the lake and jumped in, swimming away from the now-bloody island.

So Much Stuff...!

 "Yes!" George shouts when he sees the treasure around the gleaming golden horn. "Look at all of that stuff!" He spends a few seconds admiring the bounty until the gong rings. He jumps off his plate, lands in the water, and splashes onshore. He picks up a prettyful shining silver syringe and admires it as it sparkles in the sunlight. He hears a splashing and, without thinking, turns and sticks the syringe into Weston's arm. The boy falls to the ground, dead.
 "Oops," George mutters, dropping the now-empty syringe. "Sorry.

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Sharp Start

 As the plate rises, she surveys the surrounding arena. She's in the middle of a wide, circular lake, saltwater by the smell of it. Sarah sees a grassy island about ten feet in front of her, supplies scattered in clumps around the shining golden cornucopia. The gong sounds, and she dives into the water, swimming swiftly and hopping onto the grass. she sprints to the center of the island, claims a black backpack right in the horn's mouth, and gets out as quick as possible. She accidentally runs into a boy, unable to recognize him since her adrenaline is pumping. (NOTE: It's Parker.) They both topple, and she grabs a nearby spear and drives it through his chest, seeing him as a deterrent rather than a past classmate. Sarah dashes to the edge of the water and jumps in, paddling to the other edge of the lake and running into the desert area around.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Um, hi. This is Luci. I won't be doing ALL of the posting, but I'll do some. We'll try to post the snippets at TWO PER DAY. I know that a lot of them are already on Facebook, but I also know that a lot of people like to start fromt he beginning. Those of you who have already read a bunch of them, BEAR WITH ME. I know this is kinda frustrating. So, folks, we'll start with two today and keep going. 

Thanks a lot!
